Aenne Quiñones is a dramaturge and curator for theatre and the performing arts, living in Berlin.
Following her studies at the Humboldt Unversity in Berlin, she worked as a research assistant for the faculty of the performing arts at the East Berlin Akademie der Künste (academy for the arts). Among her work was the conception of a reestablishment of a European Academy under the direction of Heiner Müller. After this, she took part in the installation of Gulliver Büro Berlin, an international European network for artists and scientists.
In 1996, she became one of the founders and members of the artistic direction team (until 2003) of theatre and performance festival "reich&berühmt" ("rich&famous") which presented innovative German-language off-productions in Berlin. From 1997 until 2002, as part of the artistic direction team, she curated the theatre and performance division at the Podewil centre for the arts in Berlin. There, she conceived and realized a number of coproductions, programme emphases, guest performances as well as international festivals, e.g. "Live Art - New theatre for the 90s" an event that presented young British performers, in 1997.
From 2002 until 2011, she worked as a dramaturge at the Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz in Berlin. In 2004, she was part of the artistic team of the annual "Ruhrfestspiele Recklinghausen" festival under the direction of Frank Castorf. Together with artistic director René Pollesch, she curated at the venue Volksbühne im Prater. There, she developed productions with, among others, Gob Squad, René Pollesch, Schorsch Kamerun, Gintersdorfer/Klaßen, Stefan Pucher, Forced Entertainment and Jacques Palminger. From 2008 until 2010, she was a production dramaturge for René Pollesch's "Ruhrtrilogie 1-3" as well as for Gob Squad at the Volksbühne.
Dramaturge at the Residenztheater in Munich from September, 2011, until February, 2012. She has been the curator and deputy artistic director for the HAU Hebbel am Ufer since September 2012. In 2010, she was and is again in 2012 the artistic director for theatre festival FAVORITEN in Dortmund.
She is the editor and author of diverse publications concerning contemporary theatre, among those „The Making of a Memory/10 Jahre Gob Squad erinnert in Wort und Bild“, Synwolt Verlag, Berlin 2005, René Pollesch, „Liebe ist kälter als das Kapital“, Rowohlt Verlag, Hamburg 2009.
Heike Albrecht works as a curator for dance and performance and lives in Berlin.
She studied educational sciences in Potsdam and Berlin, worked as an educator at a school for children with special needs and began her project-oriented work in the field of dance after that.
Following her dance studies, she worked as a dramaturge and curator for dance at LOFFT Leipzig and as the artistic director for the transdisciplinary festival WESTEND in 2004 and 2005. In 2006, she held the artistic director's seat for the TANZNACHT BERLIN (Dance Night Berlin) at the Akademie der Künste (academy for the arts) with TANZ MADE IN BERLIN. From 2007 until 2010, she was the artistic director for the Sophiensaele venue.
In 2011/12, she has been working for the theatre festival FAVORITEN in North Rhine-Westphalia as its programme director and dramaturge as well as, in her function as a curator, developing AS WE SPEAK for the Goethe Institute to be experienced as part of the European Capital of Culture Maribor 2012.
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