We thank our sponsors and partners
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We'd like to thank the following collegues and teams for their kind support and their dedicated teamwork in preparing this year's festival:
C60 Collaboratorium – Dr. Sven Sappelt | Dietrich-Keuning-Haus – Helga Kranz, Gernot Rehberg, Cezmi Akturan, Thekla Bichler | Ekamina – Wolfgang Kienast aka Martini | FH Dortmund – Prof. Ovis Wende, Prof. Dr. Norma Köhler | HartwareMedienKunstVerein – Dr. Inke Arns | Institut für Theaterwissenschaft RUB – Prof. Dr. Ulrike Haß, Prof. Dr. Sven Lindholm, André Schallenberg, Jascha Sommer | Kunstiftung NRW – Dr. Fritz Behrens, Dr. Ursula Sinnreich, Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Wagner | LWL Kulturstiftung – Kathrin Höltge, Bodo Strototte | Ministerium für Familie, Kinder, Jugend, Kultur und Sport NRW – Astrid Kafka, Peter Landmann, Bettina Milz, Ute Schäfer | Nationales Performance Netz – Walter Heun, Hanna Melder | NRW KULTURsekretariat – Dr. Christian Esch | Stadt Dortmund – Jörg Stüdemann, Kurt Eichler, Claudia Kokoschka, Egon Schefers | Theater im Depot - Berthold Meyer | Verband Freie Darstellende Künste NRW – Rolf Dennemann, Kathrin Tiedemann, Ludger Schnieder
In addition, we'd like to thank our models from Dortmund and all artists and all venues of independent performative projects in NRW, Ringhotel Drees, UNION-Gewerbehof, our catering - and stagepartners and lots of individual supporters.
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No. 1: Heute gibt es um 18 … mehr